Launch an Online Small Group

New to hosting a group online? An online group is an incredible tool to help people connect with each other when an in-person group may not be possible. You can encourage each other’s faith, share authentically, and watch God work in ways you may not have dreamed possible.

Your first few meetings will take some adjusting as everyone gets acquainted with the technology, the format and works out all of the kinks. Don’t give up too quickly if your first few meetings are a bit of a challenge.

As you look into launching a group online, this page will help you figure out what technology you’ll need, best practices for a good online experience, and how to get connected with our team.

If you have questions, contact us HERE. We’d love to help!

Setting Up Your Group

When you are setting everything up, you have a few different options. If you are tech savvy and want to choose, select “online options” below. If you would prefer a step by step experience, use the “step by step guide” to walk you through our most direct option.

set it up to Win

It is always good to have a few expectations in mind before you start any small group and hosting online is no different. To get you started, read over the basic ground rules for online groups. Then take a look at the Online Group Leaders Guide so you can ensure a great experience for everyone involved.

Register to Launch

Once you have decided what platform to use, fill out the form below to notify our team and we will connect you with a coach to help you continue!